Occasionally we receive special offers including invitations to view movies (including free movies) in a restricted, time-sensitive window. These movies may be highly anticipated and critically acclaimed films that will be available as a type of limited release for streaming for only a few days at most. As always, these are legitimate, safe, trusted and legal sites.
Currently, the following sites are offering temporary screenings or free promotions that will expire soon:
5 Free Movies to Stream Now is a regular (and outstanding) piece by Brandon Yu in the New York Times – On Pluto, Plex, and Tubi. This site sometimes has a paywall and sometimes it doesn’t. Check it out every week!
MosFilm – Russian Cinema Masterpieces for All Mankind! Available on YouTube. This is a real interesting collection, and I’m thrilled that is free and publicly available. It’s not often that you see a group of films like this.
5 Free Movies to Stream Nowhas a nice selection of Free Movies on various streaming platforms. This is a regular feature, and you should check it out weekly.
Warner Bros has released 17 of its films to watch for free on YouTube, including Critters 4 and Waiting For Guffman. Full list of titles.
Rashomon is considered one of the best films of all-time. It is difficult to find it for free, however it is now available. Watch Rashomon for freeon Plex.
This is a list of websites around the world that offer Free Live Global News. Some news is international but most is local to that country. Fascinating collection of current events and global views on the world. Some very high quality streaming material is available through the sites on this list.
Celebrate Earth Day with One Day on Earth – filmed in many countries of the world all on the same day. Narrated by the Dalai Lama.
AMC Networks channels now streaming free on Live TV on Plex includes IFC Films Picks which delivers an extensive library of acclaimed, star-studded dramas, documentaries, prestige indies, global cinema, and more.
RADII just produced 100 Films to Watch to Help You Understand China. This is an awesome list of films and many of them are absolutely free! I may just focus on this incredible list for the next year. The film categories include Pre War, Mao Years, Opening Up, Art House, Documentary, Wuxia, Pop(corn), China Today, Bad Films and Animation. Thank you RADII, this is exceptional and beautiful.
Beyond Hatred | SPAGHETTI WESTERN (Italy) | Wild West | Free Movie on YouTube.
pluto TV has added five new free channels. This is in addition to the dozens (or hundreds?) of other free channels and on-demand offers. You can watch Amelie here. And Amelie is one of our all-time favorite films.
Wavve (Korea) offers free movies for a month. Online video service Wavve announced on the 9th that it will provide 40 premium movies and 100 kids movies for a month ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday. (There is an English option for this website.)
films.dance is offering free films. More information here.
Get a free month of local and international films with this Japanese streaming service U-Next is offering 31 days of free trial with the ability to cancel anytime.
The Filipino movie site tfc.tv is currently showing a lot of free films. You can browse the site for free films and for films with English subtitles.
Just found another great site to watch free movies. SBS on Demand – from Australia. If you live in Australia – or perhaps telecommute to your Australian workplace, then over 11,000 hours of video will be available for free viewing! I notice that they are currently showing the Korean film Burning, which was probably the best movie I saw this year.
Over the past year, there have been hundreds of high-quality special offer films that were temporarily available for free viewing. Often these sites may be offering a brief promotional period or hosting an online virtual film festival. As more and more theaters close, the trend appears to be that more films will be screened online for both film festivals and general release. A blend of theatrical and virtual releases also seems to be popular now.
These sites links will not be included on the Free Movie Websites or Free Foreign Films pages because of their extremely short duration. At the end of the festival or promotional period, these links will not be valid. If you want to watch these movies, you should do it soon.